Sarah Rothenberg, D.Env
Associate Professor
Sarah Rothenberg is an Associate Professor at Oregon State University, in the Environmental and Occupational Health core program. For over 10 years, Dr. Rothenberg's research has focused on rice and mercury, mainly in rural China. After completing her doctoral degree in 2007, Dr. Rothenberg was a NSF-funded postdoctoral researcher living in Guizhou province, China, where she investigated mercury cycling in rice paddies. After returning to the U.S. in 2011, Dr. Rothenberg was funded by NIEHS to establish a birth cohort in Guangxi province, China, where rice (not fish) was the main dietary source of methylmercury, to study prenatal methylmercury exposure and children’s neurodevelopment. Dr. Rothenberg also investigates the health impacts from other trace metals, which co-occur with mercury in the environment.