Ainash Sharshenova, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Since 1983, Dr. Sharshenova has worked as a researcher in Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the Scientific and Production Centre for Preventive Medicine (SPCPM) of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic (MoH KR). Since 2005, she’s been a Professor of the Public Health Department for the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM). Dr. Sharshenova has worked monitoring indicators of public health and the state of the environment, and in identifying cause-and-effect relationships and health risk factors. These indicators also account for the socio-economic and environmental characteristics of the regions, and develop evidence-based measures for the prevention of infectious and non-infectious morbidity of the population. She has prepared and published numerous books, articles, abstracts, manuals (standard operating procedures, instructions), methodological manuals, newsletters, and press releases. Her work also includes training of scientific personnel, public health doctors, medical students, and undergraduates and doctoral students.
Dr. Sharshenova also worked as the leader/principal investigator on the WHO/UNEP “Pilot survey on assessment of prenatal exposure to mercury in Kyrgyzstan” (2016-2017) as well as other projects, including: “Assessment of the impact of climate change on the health of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic” (WHO, 2009-2011); “The Road Safety in the city of Bishkek” (WHO, 2004); Swiss-SCOPES Projects;. “Environmental Monitoring and Management Capacity Building: Kyrgyz Republic” (Scott Wilson Company, MFA of Finland, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, 1999-2001).