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Partner Organizations

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Alta Science and Engineering Inc.

Alta Science & Engineering, Inc. (Alta) believes that positive impacts can be made for communities and the environment by working together.

Children's Environmental Health Collaborative - UNICEF

Children’s environmental health focuses on protecting children’s health from all environmental hazards, including climate change, from preconception to adulthood.

Environmental Defender Law Center

EDLC identifies cases and enlists top lawyers to help communities stop unwanted resource development projects.

Global Livingston Institute

A world where people from all walks of life listen, think, and act together on equal footing in order to improve communities globally.

Institute for Community Partnerships and Sustainable Development

Institute for Community Partnerships and Sustainable Development (ICPSD) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to achieve efficiency and resiliency in communities in Africa through the convergence of local knowledge, culture, science, and technology.

International Conference on Children's Health and Environment (INCHES)

Preventing the effects of environmental degradation to human health – in particular child health.

Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières provides emergency aid and medical care around the globe.

North American Native Research and Education Foundation

NANREF provides educational and research opportunities to Native American students.

Norwich University CGRS and PaWC

The Center for Global Resilience (CGRS) and the Peace and War Center (PaWC) at Norwich University are leading a joint initiative in Environmental Security along with the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation (AEHS).

The Environmental Health Council

The Environmental Health Council (EHC) is an international, interdisciplinary, non-profit organization dedicated to identifying, evaluating, and remediating environmental contaminants.

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